
Our Austin Clinic for Men’s Health & Wellness Services

Hair Restoration

Laser therapy is intended not just for people who are losing and who have lost their hair. It can be also applied for a timely hair loss prevention. Our Hair Clinic will compose an individual  program…

Erectile Dysfunction

Treating erectile dysfunction, or “impotence,” is a specialty of Austin Clinic for Men. Our success rate in treating erectile dysfunction and helping to restore performance and satisfaction is over 98%…

Premature Ejaculation

If you are suffering from premature ejaculation, you should know you are not alone. In fact, the condition is quite common. Research indicates that at least one out of every three men suffers from…

Apollo Treatment

Sexual health issues typically increase for men as they age. Performance during intimacy can be greatly affected by both physical and emotional factors. Our own patented Apollo Treatment can…

Growth Hormone

At Austin Clinic for Men, we offer a unique form of growth hormone therapy that can help you increase energy levels, improve your sex drive and build lean muscle mass for a healthier, happier life…

Low-T Treatment

Testosterone levels begin to drop about 1% per year, beginning at age 30. Known as “andropause,” the drop in testosterone at this stage in life is normal for most men…

Medical Weight Loss

Methods of weight loss vary greatly between men and women. Our program is customized to the more comprehensive nutritional needs of men over women during weight loss…

Private Consultation

Your consultation may consist of a medical history, lab tests, and physical examination to provide a diagnosis. This is your opportunity to get discreet answers to your questions from an expert…